Helicopter and Airplane Life Raft Store Advantage:
Save at least 3% over factory prices.
Receive free shipping on rafts over $3000.00
Aviation Life Rafts
Life Raft Store is Winslow's largest distributor, in addition, we also carry Eastern Aero Marine, "EAM", Revere, Switlik, and commercial rafts for airlines. We ship to all points on the Globe and offer free shipping within the USA on purchases over $3000.00.All Rafts come with a three-year service interval and come vacuum packed for extended life. We only offer top of the line rafts for Aviation and we also rent Winslow, EAM, and Switlik rafts. Life raft store is the only company with a raft guarantee. In the event you need a raft for a trip and plan to purchase, we will loan you a raft for up to seven days on a purchase. All you pay is the shipping cost to and from your location.
Off the Shelf Raft Disclosure
Rafts are generally not available off-the-shelf for purchase for two reasons. First, the raft comes with a three-year service life. Off-the-shelf rafts would have aged at the time you buy it from the time it was built. Three years is a short lifespan and you pay for it, so get your full three years when you buy.The second is the configuration. Many aircrafts have different needs including size, pack dimensions, ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) programming and survival equipment. All rafts are built to order. This is especially true in aviation rafts. Have it built for the conditions your flying over. A warm water raft is not going to do you any good if your flying over cold water. While many Rafts come with Hyperthermia protection, some do not, so this is another reason we guide you on your purchase and sell you what your flight demands, not just any ole raft. Remember, your passengers are your responsibility, do it right.
JAR-OPS Configuration
International Customers need to look at the JAR-OPS configurations to meet the requirements for the country that the aircraft is based. At Life Raft Store we offer life rafts that meet JAR-OPS 1 and 2. Our rafts also meet CAA and FAA regulations. We have rafts that are TSO'd to C70a, DGCI, and CAA. Aircraft weight also plays into the Raft configurations. Any aircraft over 12,500 lbs requires a TSO'd raft. Under the 12,500 rule you can use a recreational class raft, however, if the aircraft is operated under FAA part 135, it would then require a Cat 2, TSO'd raft.
Another major cost is the ELT. In many circumstances, your raft will also need to be outfitted with a TSO'd ELT. Many of the TSO'd ELTs are north of $3000 and are only good for 5 years. The battery then needs to be changed out and in some ELTS the cost can be between $500 and $1200.00. Because of the service interval on a raft, is every 3 years, you may need to change the battery every three years, so the cost of maintaining a TSO'd raft can be high.
Rental Program
At the Life Raft Store, we will recommend the correct raft configuration that works best for you. If your not a plane that flies over water very much, you may instead consider opening an account with a rental program. Under the program, you only pay for possession time, not out of store time like many other rental companies. When buying a raft you need to consider both avenues. Renting versus buying or ownership.What to Look for in Aviation Life Rafts For Sale
SOLAS-Approved Aviation Life Rafts For Sale vs. Other Rafts
When purchasing a product that will be used to keep you alive in an emergency, it only makes sense to get one that meets those highest standards available for comparison. SOLAS standards are very strict, as they are with all SOLAS-approved gear. SOLAS standards require that approved rafts have a boarding platform, additional safety gear, and considerably more interior space than commercial-grade models.
Most flat-bottomed survival rafts use a combination of water-filled ballast pockets and a cone-shaped sea anchor on a long (60' or more) line to prevent capsizing. The filled pockets resist the lifting action of wind and waves, and the anchor adds drag to keep the raft edge down. Toroidal-shaped and hemispheric ballast systems have proven most effective in preventing heavy-weather capsize. Bags with large holes for rapid filling also help keep the raft from blowing over before passengers can board.
The sea anchor is an integral part of the stability design. It creates drag, prevents "riding", reduces the chances of capsizing, and turns the raft's hatch away from oncoming waves. Buoyancy Tubes Aviation Life Rafts For Sale come with either one or two automatically inflating buoyancy tubes. Short-term survival coastal rafts have one tube with two air chambers to prevent complete deflation in the event of a puncture. Double-tubed rafts found on all offshore and ocean-going rafts increase freeboard and reduce the likelihood of swamping. The second tube should support two-thirds of the raft's rated capacity when the largest buoyancy chamber is completely deflated.
When secured to your boat, the painter keeps the raft from floating away, and when pulled, it activates the inflation mechanism. More than one pull is usually needed to activate inflation because there is between 15-55' of slack to take in. Many painters have a colored marker indicating that the next pull will activate the carbon dioxide (CO2) cartridge to inflate the raft.
Manual Inflation
Temperature changes cause raft air pressure to fluctuate. When hot, the tubes expand and excess air pressure is released through the over-inflation valves. When cool, the tubes contract and will require topping off. Three types of manual pumps are available: an oral inflation tube, which is next to impossible to use effectively; a foot pump which doesn't work well on the inflated rubber floor; and an accordion-like hand pump that is, by far, the easiest to use.
Although canopies shield survivors from sun, wind, and water, they can leave crowded passengers feeling claustrophobic and sick because of the reduced view of the horizon and, in some cases, a notorious rubber interior smell. Canopies with large entryways, portholes, and separately furled panels offer greater horizon views and increased ventilation. Double doors increase ventilation and light and make it easier to keep watch. Dark-lined interiors, like blue, are easier on the eyes; they diminish the sun's glare on a bright orange canopy. Canopies are supported by arches that keep the raft from inflating upside down and allow occupants greater interior room. Some arches are independent of the buoyancy tube and require manual inflation once occupants board. These rafts run a greater risk of inflating upside down but are easier to board from the mother ship.
Storage Containers
Rafts come in either a soft, flexible valise for below-deck storage or a durable fiberglass canister for mounting on deck. Canisters are usually bigger, heavier, and more expensive than valise containers. However, they can be mounted right on the deck, and will withstand the elements. The fabric valise may be lashed on deck for trips, but won't last topside in the long run. Also, be sure to secure it carefully, since it won't do you any good if it goes overboard. Carefully choose the most accessible and convenient location on your boat-account for raft weight and size. Aviation Life Rafts For Sale are useless if you can't get to it and safely launch it when you need it. Remember, anyone on board may have to carry it topside, and valuable minutes will be wasted if you have to pull it out of a cluttered locker.
Rafts have either single or double-layer floors. Double floors insulate passengers from energy-draining cold water, reduce the feeling of sitting on a half-filled water bed by keeping the floor from swallowing your feet and legs and help to eliminate the bumps and bruises from curious marine life. Certain designs secure the additional floor with button-like fasteners that create depressions in the raft floor and allow water to collect. Some floors keep passengers drier using a highly porous material to trap splashed water.
Capacity Ratings
These ratings specify the maximum number of people a raft will hold, based on a minimum of approximately four square feet per person. They do not consider comfort, space needed to perform raft maintenance and repair work, or room to store extra survival gear. If you plan to carry the maximum number on board, you had better hope for a quick rescue.
Aviation Life Rafts For Sale
Life Raft Store offers a unique advantage of life raft rental to provide you with critical tools necessary for survival that suit your budget and timeline.
We package the raft in a Pelican Hard Case. Once your life raft is at your location, remove the raft, place in your aircraft, and go on your flight with the peace of mind knowing you will be safe in the event of an emergency knowing you've rented a high-quality aviation raft.
From 6 man rafts, to up to 12, and 15 man rafts, ensure that you are making the perfect life raft rental for your voyage with Life Raft Store.
All of our rafts are certified by the factory and dated to current specifications and services.
We are located in Florida, so for those of you going to the Bahamas or farther south, we can also ship to an FBO of your choice and you can pick up the raft on your outbound leg. Located in Melbourne Florida, KMLB, we also can drop your raft off at one of three FBO's here on the field.
Call 321-821-4724 or email the Life Raft Store and see how easy it is to rent a raft for your trip in the Skies or across the ocean. Ask to speak to Ron, Rachel, or Brandy.