Posted by helicopterhelmets on 3/15/2012 to
We here at Life Raft Store, rent out Winslow life rafts for Marine and Aviation purposes. For rental information, please call our South Carolina operation at 843-556-0405 and find out how fast and easy it is to rent a raft. We also rent Locator beacons, Immersion Suits, Life Jackets, Signal kits and other life raft accessories.
For cost and estimates call us.
We also sell Winslow life rafts. You can check out our Winslow Aviation Rafts or our Winslow Marine Rafts by click on their respective links. Some of these rafts may be for rent. Whatever your choice may be, to rent or buy, just know that you are getting your life raft from the most renowned Nationwide, Life Raft Store.